How to make revising fun with scribzee?
How to make revising fun with scribzee?
If you want to make revision fun, you've come to the right place! Today, we're going to show you how to combine scribzee’s features with effective learning techniques!
You, alone behind your desk, a textbook in your hands… It’s a familiar sight, isn’t it? Revision can sometimes seem tedious, but you can always make it more fun. But how? By combining the features of scribzee with effective learning techniques!
Combining flashcards and creativity
To make revision more fun, Oxford flashcards are a must. As well as being visually pleasing (break time superstars), they allow you to structure your lesson clearly and highlight all the important information:
- Definitions.
- French vocabulary.
- Mathematical formulas.
- Important dates (and more!).
It’s ideal because you can link images or diagrams to the notes on your flashcards, stimulating your visual memory. The keyword here is “creativity”! Use colours, draw, use visual symbols… Don’t be afraid of testing different ideas.
For example, if you’re studying anatomy, you could include illustrations of human organs on your flashcards to help you understand how they work.
As soon as your revision cards are ready, scan them into scribzee. The app lets you organise your notes by creating folders and sub-folders based on colour. This feature will be very useful if you want to try out the memory palace technique.
The memory palace technique
This age-old memorisation technique allows you to associate information with familiar places. All you have to do is draw a floor plan of your house at the top of your flashcard, numbering each room, and then place the key points from your lessons in each room.
Example: to revise your lesson on Greek gods and their roles, write down your train of thought in the form of a list. Where are you starting from in the house? Which room will you be in at the end? Who or what will you meet along the way?
- Bedroom: Athena (intelligence) revises at your desk.
- Bathroom: Aphrodite (beauty) applies her make-up in front of your mirror.
- Living room: Hermès (retail) does the books.
- Kitchen: Hephaestus (fire) cooks using the oven.
- Patio: Apollo (arts) paints a picture in the sunshine.
Once you’ve written this flashcard, don’t forget to create a folder in scribzee that’s dedicated to mythology. If you’re well organised, you’ll have more fun revising!
Test your knowledge in QUIZ mode
Who hasn’t taken a quiz? Quizzes are simple, fun and interactive. Some people love to do them about their favourite films, others about the house they’d join if they were at Hogwarts. When it comes to revision, quizzes are just as much fun!
In Scribzee, you can switch from STUDY mode to QUIZ mode in the blink of an eye to see if you’ve grasped the content of your flashcards. How does it work? It’s really easy!
- Your flashcards appear one by one on screen.
- Read the question and try and remember the answer.
- Click on the flashcard to show the other side.
- If you answered correctly, swipe to the right.
- If not, swipe to the left.
At the end of the quiz, a score appears, and you have two choices: either restart the QUIZ mode or take another look at the flashcards you answered incorrectly. Alternating modes will help you vary the fun, so you’ll never get bored!
💡While both modes are based on the same principle, the REVISION mode allows you to review the concepts you’ve least mastered by making the questions you answered incorrectly reappear more often. It follows the principle of the Leitner method!
Working with friends
One of the other advantages of scribzee is that you can collaborate with your friends to make your revision more interesting. Revising is great but revising while having fun is even better! And what better way to spice up your revision than by sharing your notes with your friends?
scribzee’s sharing feature is ideal for reviewing lessons together or exchanging information. If you’re not sure about vocabulary or a mathematical formula you wrote down in class, just ask your friends for their opinion!
Scribzee offers you three ways to share your scans:
- share directly with your contacts, via the app.
- sharing in image format (jpg file).
- sharing in PDF format.
You can send documents from one scribzee account to another so that the recipient can benefit from your notes (and vice versa). As soon as your classmate has received the lesson, all you have to do is call him or her or set up a zoom meeting so that you can discuss it together. As you’ll both have the same notes in front of you, it’ll be a piece of cake!
Another option is to plan training sessions! You can use scribzee to create personalised quizzes and invite your friends to join in, in a fun and positive atmosphere. Well… without indulging in endless chitchat, of course.
To do this, divide the group into several teams (named by you). Each team answers a series of questions based on the shared scores. As soon as the scribzee session is over, you make a note of the teams’ scores, then start a new quiz. If it’s the same one, bring headphones so you can’t hear each other’s answers.
Celebrating success with progress statuses
When you’re immersed in an intense revision session, it’s essential to recognise and celebrate your progress. Congratulating yourself has several advantages:
- you boost your motivation.
- you boost your self-confidence.
- and you stay positive!
Scribzee has the perfect feature for this: progress statuses. This is a visual indicator of your progress. You can see which revision cards you’ve revised, how many chapters you still have to reread… In short, it’s top of the range!
Keeping an eye on your progress means you realise how far you’ve got in your revision programme, which motivates you to keep going and lets you see if you’ve earned a break or another reward. How about a few sweets?
Whatever your preferred revision method, remember that you can combine proven learning techniques with scribzee’s features. Flashcards, quizzes, information sharing… The app offers a range of tools to make revision more fun!
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