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Oxford Signature

Oxford Signature

Compatible with scribzee

Oxford Signature, for people with a thousand ideas a minute

You’re bursting with ideas, so you always keep a notebook handy to capture your thoughts or inspiration. Your notebook is also your best friend: it’s the confidant that helps you remember important things and gives you a way to express yourself.
Then the Signature Oxford notebook is for you.

Oxford Signature
Oxford Signature

Signature, think, capture, explore

For those who have a thousand ideas a minute, the brain is not infallible; it cannot remember everything. Ideas need to be captured without delay, before they evaporate forever in the mists of memory. Once written down, they need to be easy to find so that you can revisit them and help them take shape. Signature is the only notebook that combines the best of writing paper to capture ideas with the incredible powers of digital, thanks to scribzee, so you can always find them, whenever you need them.

Oxford Signature
Oxford Signature

OPTIK PAPER + quality

With OPTIK PAPER+, you can write on both sides of the paper without the transparency effect.

Non-intrusive fine lines

Clear print of the lines or grids so as not to interfere with writing or rereading.

A soft smilicuir cover

The contents of this sewn notebook are secure and confidential thanks to the flat, colourful elastic band.

Oxford Signature

The contents of this sewn notebook are secure and confidential thanks to the flat, colourful elastic band.

Oxford Signature

A light card gusseted pocket on the back of the notebook is very useful for storing documents such as receipts, business cards and so on.

Oxford Signature

A bookmark matching the colour of the cover is integrated into the notebook for quick reference.

The softness and delicacy of Signature Pastel notebooks

Pastel colours are said to calm the mind, stimulate creativity and provide comfort. But what do you think?

Oxford Signature

Signature Notebook with Dotted lines

The small grey squares with dotted lines allow you to take structured notes. It’s made up of dots so it doesn’t interfere with writing or rereading. Ideal for the Bullet Journal!


OPTIK PAPER+ offers an incomparable ‘high definition’ writing experience: a paper that ink does not bleed through, perfect whiteness, a soft, silky feel, very good opacity, high resistance to tearing and sharply drawn, smudge-free writing.

Optik paper +, the ink does not bleeed through
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