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Oxford FLASH 2.0 flashcards

How to memorise effectively
with FLASH 2.0 flashcards
and the scribzee app?

09 July 2024

How to memorise effectively
with FLASH 2.0 flashcards
and the scribzee app?

What if we told you that there’s a foolproof way of remembering your lessons in the long term?

As you approach your exams, you’ll often wonder how to memorise all the concepts you have to master. Everyone has their own technique, but the result is often the same; after several days of work, you have the impression that you haven’t memorised any of the lessons you’ve covered.
What if we told you that there’s a foolproof way of remembering your lessons in the long term?
These magic tools are called flashcards ! ✨ Also known as question/answer cards, Oxford FLASH 2.0 flashcards will enable you to learn and memorise with the scribzee application in a fun way. Would you like to find out more? Come this way 👇

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These small horizontal-format cards are widely used on the other side of the Atlantic. They enable you to create question/answer cards by writing:

On the front: a question or word ❓
On the back: an answer, definition, or translation 💬.

For example, if you want to learn your French irregular verbs, you would write “Aller” on the front and “Je vais/Tu vas/Il va etc.” on the back. You can then turn your flashcard over, switching between the front and the back.

In addition to providing fun by allowing you to revise in the form of a quiz, the flashcard technique has been acknowledged as effective by scientists in the field of cognition. In fact, by asking yourself questions and trying to find the answers, you activate areas of your brain that enable you to anchor information in the long term. This is what researchers such as Roediger and Karpicke call the “test effect”. You’ll thus remember a part of your lesson better after being tested on it because you’ll have made an effort to remember the answer. This is exactly what Oxford FLASH 2.0 flashcards enable you to do 😊


Making flashcards is great fun, but to enable you to optimise their use, we’ll share a few tips with you:

Divide your lesson into small parts: Before making your flashcards, it’s important to re-read your entire lesson so as to obtain an overview and to familiarise yourself with it. Once you’ve done that, identify the parts of your course to be learnt. The aim is for you to create one or more flashcards for each item to be revised. Be careful to include only one item of information on each flashcard 😉.

Write your flashcards yourself: To write by hand is to memorise 🧠. This was demonstrated by Pam A. Mueller and Daniel Oppenheimer, two researchers at the Universities of Princeton and California. This is why it’s advisable for you to take notes by hand when you make your flashcards. In fact, drawing lines to form words is an excellent stimulant for the memory. So pick up your pencil 📝

Test yourself regularly: Testing yourself frequently is essential. By revising at regular intervals you train your memory and remember the information you’ve learnt for longer.

So try starting to revise sooner than the day before the exam 😜


After creating your FLASH 2.0 flashcards, scan them with the free scribzee application and make the most of the associated features to ensure even more effective revision! 💯


Use a retrievable copy wherever and whenever you want: Scanning your flashcards will mean you have a perfect copy of them available on your phone. No need to carry them around with you; you can access them with a single click and view them at any time, including off-line. The little extra: make the most of every moment of potentially wasted time to revise. From now on, you’ll know what to do when you’re in a long queue in a shop or waiting your turn in the doctor’s waiting room 🤓

Organise your notes as you wish: After scanning your flashcards, scribzee will automatically file them by colour. 🌈
Ideal for saving time! But don’t panic, if this organisation doesn’t suit you, you can reorganise your notes as you wish by folder and sub-folder. Ideal for finding all your flashcards on your mobile with a single click.

Share your flashcards with your friends: A friend needs to revise before the exam? Send a flashcard deck to them directly in scribzee. He will be able to use all the features of the app as if he had scanned the flashcards himself.


Learn with the REVISION mode and its personalised sessions: You’ll be able to access the REVISION mode in each of the flashcard folders scanned with scribzee. This feature will allow you to access personalised learning sessions for your flashcards. Leo, your revision companion, will back you up until you understand everything inside out.

How does it work? scribzee displays a flashcard on the screen. Try to remember the answer and click on the flashcard to turn it over. If you have the right answer, swipe the card to the right. If you have the wrong answer, swipe it to the left. scribzee remembers when you have mastered each flashcard and suggests that you continue learning with personalised sessions. In fact, the application will display the flashcards you have the most trouble remembering so as to help you to memorise them better. Conversely, the better you memorise the flashcards, the less often you’ll be shown them.
> The aim? For you to devote time to the flashcards you need in order to optimise your revision 👏

Track your progress: Your overall score will be displayed at the end of each session. You can also view your progress curve, which is ideal for viewing all the work you’ve done during the different sessions. There’s nothing more motivating!

scribzee by Oxford free app, auto evaluation with flashcards

How does it actually work?

You’re sure to be wondering how scribzee is able to create tailored sessions for you.

An algorithm based on the Leitner system was designed by our teams. This method traditionally works with a system of boxes into which the flashcards are placed according to your mastery of them. The flashcards to be learnt are initially placed in box 1 and they have to reach box 5 (for the mastered flashcards). If you give the right answer, the flashcard moves from box 1 to box 2, from box 2 to box 3 and so on. Conversely, if you give a wrong answer or don’t remember it, the flashcard goes back to box 1.

It is therefore necessary to give four correct answers in a row for each of the flashcards for them to reach box 5 and be regarded as mastered.

Exactly the same thing happens in scribzee, except that you don’t see the boxes. The application shows you the flashcards until you give the correct answer four times in a row. By means of repetition your memory makes an effort to remember and you recall the answer more easily. It’s therefore ideal for memorising information in the long term.


Test yourself with QUIZ mode : After learning your flashcards in REVISION mode, it’s now time to find out whether you’re ready for your exam. Use QUIZ mode to go over all your flashcards. As with REVISION mode, turn the card over to see if you have the right answer and swipe it to the right or left, depending on your mastery of it. With QUIZ mode you find yourself in a global test situation, as might be the case during the exam.

Discover your overall score : At the end of your QUIZ session your score appears, enabling you to position yourself: Are you ready to take the exam or do you need to do some more work? The application suggests that you take the QUIZ again, displaying only the flashcards that you haven’t mastered yet. This is useful for targeting your weaknesses and ultimately understanding everything inside out!


You’ll have understood by now that FLASH 2.0 flashcards are ideal for effective learning. They enable you to combine your handwritten text inputs, memorising them by creating your own paper flashcards, and your digital inputs with two learning modes in the scribzee application. The recreational and active aspects of these tools will also ensure you stay motivated to revise. So, it’s up to you, the sky’s the limit! 😊



  1. David Combaud

    J’ai découvert complètement au hasard le note book avec l’application.
    Je suis chauffeur de grand tourisme pour moi il est essentiel de prendre des notes des hôtels restaurant lieux de dépose lors de mes tours de France pour mémoriser mon programme les villes je suis vraiment fan de vos produits j’ai 50 ans comme quoi il n’y a pas d’âge et je remercie toutes votre équipe pour toutes ces améliorations je ne peux plus m’en passé et tellement important pour mes clients un grand merci
    Cordialement Mr Combaud David

    • Catherine BARTHE

      Bonjour David, Nous vous remercions pour votre message et pour votre fidélité. Nous sommes ravis que nos cahiers et scribzee rendent votre activité professionnelle plus performante. L'équipe Oxford.

  2. David Combaud

    10/10 il fallait l’inventer vous l’avez fait avec beaucoup d’esprits , depuis que j’ai acheter le note book je ne peux m’en passer

  3. Catherine BARTHE

    Merci David !

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